Monday, September 15, 2008

Portable Magic Lens Max v3.1 (NEW)

Magic Lens Max is a real-time, intuitive and advanced screen magnifier and desktop viewer to zoom, rotate, enhance, view and capture any area of the screen display.

-- With built-in highly optimized resampling and enhancing filters, Magic Lens Max quickly generates high-quality lens view with clarity in various situations. It also lets you viewing in different color mode or through separated color channels.
-- With gamma adjustment and sharpening enhancement, Magic Lens Max can greatly improve the visibility and clarity of the graphics in the shaded, blurred, or dark areas. This enables you easily viewing the graphic details that normally hard to be seen.

Magic Lens Max works transparently with the system,

follows the mouse cursor and system caret synchronously. You can easily use the mouse wheel and arrow keys to magnify, rotate, or lighten the lens view, or press the hotkeys to resize, show/hide the lens view, or capture the snapshot of it to image files.

Magic Lens Max perfectly integrates quality, speed and convenience. It is a fast, powerful and easy-to-use viewing utility to improve and enhance the vision of computer display.

The features include:
-- Customizable lens shape with 3 smooth styles (Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle and Rectangle)
-- Variable magnification from 1/2x to 32x
-- Arbitrary rotation of the lens view
-- Built-in 6 real-time resampling filters for zooming (Nearest, Linear, Cosine, Spline, Cubic and Mitchell)
-- Built-in 3 real-time enhancing filters (Sharpen, Sharpen More and Edge Enhance)
-- Viewing in 4 color modes (Normal, Grayscale, Invert and Sepia)
-- Viewing through one or more of separated color channels (Red, Green and Blue)
-- Variable gamma level from 0.2 to 6.0
-- Simultaneously tracking the mouse cursor and system caret

Why choose Magic Lens Max?
-- Powerful, Magic Lens Max acts as not only an excellent computer screen magnifier for visually impaired people with low vision, but also a powerful desktop viewer for people with good eyesight. For example, you can also lighten the dark areas to expose the shaded graphic details, sharpen the blurred contents, or view the screen display in different color mode or split color channels.
-- Efficient, Magic Lens Max generates real-time enhanced and sharp visual effects to suit your visual needs better! but costs less CPU usage and offers more impressive features than other similar utilities.
-- Intuitive, Magic Lens Max works transparently and intuitively as a real magnifying glass, without interrupting or distracting you from the normal operations of your computer.
-- Versatile, Magic Lens Max can improve and enhance the vision of almost everything on-screen: program user interfaces, documents with texts and graphics, web pages, 2D drawings, 3D animations, flash movies or games, projected presentations, and much more...

What's new in Version 3.1:
- Fixed the caret tracking issue in Word 2003
- Fixed the compatibility issue with Windows Mail
- Improved the compatibility with Windows Vista

Download: 2.0 MB